Wednesday, April 22, 2009

2nd Core Trading Principal

Ok, so I have another fundamental core principal for you today.

Experience – This is the key to being successful trading the forex market. The more you trade and gain experience, the easier it will be for you recognize profitable opportunities. Furthermore, you’ll be able to quiet your emotions and trade objectively (or as close to it) without worrying about the outcome.

The tough part about experience is that you have to start in order to get. I know, sounds weird, but follow me here. You have to crawl before you walk and walk before you run. During this process, you will fall, cry, and probably want to give up. Any many, many people do. But once you lick your wounds, gain your composure, and get back up and make adjustments, you’ll be surprised just how quickly you’ll start seeing profitable results. The key is not to get down and really focus on learning the market and developing a strategy that finds a profitable niche you understand within it.

So don’t get down. When you fall, dust yourself off and try again.

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